本單位「國際商管認證中心」自2017年成立,於2018年9月申請AACSB國際商管學院促進協會 (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)入會,同年10月通過審核成為正式會員,開啟AACSB為期約5-7年之國際認證程序。2019年12月完成申請認證資格審查書(Eligibility Application, EA),遞交AACSB初始認證委員會(Initial Accreditation Committee, IAC)進行審查。2020年2月獲得IAC委員會投票通過東華大學管理學院之商管認證資格審查申請,且獲AACSB邀請資深顧問Dr. Ramin Cooper Maysami協助進入正式認證 (Initial Accreditation)階段。並於2023年7月17日通過初始自我評鑑報告書(Initial Self Evaluation Report; iSER),進入正式認證階段,將於2024年5月遞交自我評估報告(Self-Evaluation Report, 簡稱SER)供IAC進行下一階段審查。預計於2024年接待導師顧問(Dr. Ramin)以及評鑑小組實地訪視。(Peer-Reviewed Team Visit)
The "Office of International Accreditation"(OIA) was established in 2017, and we became a member of The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(AACSB) in October 2018, starting the AACSB international certification program that at least taking time for 5-7 years. We submitted the Eligibility Application (EA) to the AACSB Initial Accreditation Committee (IAC) at December 2019. In February 2020, application for business management certification qualification review of the college of Management of Dong-Hua University passed by the IAC committee’s voting and invited senior consultant Dr. Ramin Cooper Maysami to assist in entering the initial accreditation stage.On July 17, 2023, the initial self-evaluation report (iSER) was submitted, marking the commencement of the formal accreditation phase. The self-evaluation report (SER) is scheduled to be submitted to the IAC for the next-stage review in May 2024. It is anticipated that in 2024, Dr. Ramin, the mentor consultant, along with the evaluation team, will conduct an on-site visit as part of the accreditation process.The AACSB certification is not only strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the schools at international with NDHU, but also help the College of Management to review the key directions for the future development, which will significantly enhance the school's international reputation and competitiveness in the future.